What will you learn in the Executive Director Institute?
Impact Vehicles
Impact Vehicles Private foundations, Donor-Advised Funds, LLCs, and more. How can you increase and accelerate the flow of philanthropic capital by leveraging different impact vehicles?
Basic Compliance
What do you need to know about basic compliance, including tables and tickets, conflicts of interest, expense policies, and record-keeping, to ensure your organization operates ethically and efficiently? What policies should you have in place to foster transparency and trust?
How do you present your financials to empower your board and instill confidence? What does the IRS require? Learn best practices for clear, straightforward financials that demonstrate your commitment to impact.
Managing Advisors
What should you expect from your investment advisors? What should you look for in their materials? What are your fiduciary responsibilities and how does impact investing fit in?
Board Meetings
How can you optimize board meetings to accelerate your philanthropic efforts? How often should the board meet, and what should be covered? What should you send ahead of time and how should you prepare? How do you manage a family board? Should you have independent board members?
Due Diligence
What should you look for in potential grantees or investees? How do you evaluate their leadership? What do you do on a site visit? What are you looking for in the financials? Discover how thoughtful due diligence sets the foundation for impactful relationships.
Innovative Tools
When and how can you use innovative tools, like PRIs, recoverable grants, expenditure responsibility, direct charitable activities, and grants to individuals, to maximize impact?
Impact Investing 101
How can you leverage impact investing to align resources with values? What is the difference between aligned impact investing and catalytic impact investing? What legal concepts do you need to know? What staff and skills do you need to consider? How do you find and evaluate potential investments?
Grants Administration
How do you develop applications, grant cycles, record-keeping, and create an overall process that thoughtfully reflects your impact goals? What should you consider from the donor perspective and grantee perspective?